Tourism Marketing Organisations can pay to launch directory pages

Now that I've got the new Travel-Lists site up & running I'm keen to start expanding the directory again, which is always difficult because I have to spend so much time keeping the main pages fresh with news and bargains, and the existing lists up-to-date. It leaves little time to create and publish new lists. And, of course, as the directory expands, so does the problem!

Obviously the solution is to have more people working on them. Sadly I don't have the budget for that. But I began to wonder the other day whether there wasn't a symbiotic relationship I could exploit between tourism promotion organisations (national, regional, local), fellow travel journalists and Travel Lists.

For that reason I'm starting a Fast-Track system, allowing tourism and marketing organisations to pay for a list or lists to be 'fast-tracked' into existance. This way I can afford to drop what I'm doing to work on a new list or pay for somebody else to create it.

  • The tourism organisation gets a permanent, continuously updated page of riads in Rabat, chalets in Carpathia, breweries in Bruges, nightclubs in New York, or local travel operators & agencies in Toronto on Travel-Lists.
  • The journo, who's probably already done the research/been there, gets a commission (half the fast-track fee) to create the list (which won't clash with any other commissioned articles).
  • I get half of the fast-track fee (I've still got to organise it, edit it, mark it up, and build it into the site structure) and more content for the site.

I've put the details on the site. It'll be interesting to see how it works.


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