The sound of Lufthansa

Lufthansa have got themselves a "stab" - radio speak for a musical bullet point, or ident.

They've commissioned an agency in Berlin to create an acoustic logo to go with their visual branding, and before too long it will start appearing in their radio and tv ads and on their call centre telephone messages.

Strangely, they wrote about it, and what they were trying to achieve, in some detail in a press release a few days ago...

Transforming brand values into sound is an intricate exercise. It requires a high degree of intuition and sensitivity to create a sonic identity that precisely reflects a company’s attributes. Like the corporate design, the sound of the brand communicates Lufthansa’s quality message, its leadership role and its innovative skills as well as sovereignty, appeal and sensitivity. Based on a rising sequence of four tones, the acoustic logo elicits the feeling of ”taking off“ and “wellbeing”.

... but nowhere on their website could you actually hear it!

I had to chase them to get a copy. Here it is - the sound of Lufthansa.

(I think that file might be slightly corrupted. It sounds a bit crackly to me and it keeps crashing my encoder when I try to convert it from a fat .wav file to a leaner .mp3 format. It still plays though.)


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