Press Releases: Acrobat or Word?

I've noticed a definite increase in the use of Acrobat in the last 6 months or so.  Fair enough. It's a good, stable, and now widely-used, platform for displaying stylish documents.  (Brilliant for newsletters!)

But, personally I'd prefer a Word doc.

It's not a big deal. But the way I tend to work (I guess, like most people) is by copying chunks of it into my editor and then hacking & slashing it to extract the names, phrases, prices, numbers, urls, etc that I want in my copy. 

I just find that easier with Word. With Acrobat it's fractionally faffier - you've got to switch to the selection tool and it doesn't word-wrap into plain text editors.

So, if you are a PR sending me a release as a .pdf attachment, you could make me happy by just copying the text into the email body.

(Or, if you want to make me really happy, you could go to Realwire and send me a SMNR with all the components I want laid out ready for me to assemble. Example


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