No snow train disco fever this winter
On a Friday evening back in April, my 13-yr-old son & I caught the bus from outside our door to St Pancras where we climbed on board a Eurostar to Paris Nord. Then, while we went and ate some supper, our bags were taken round to the Snow Train for our overnight journey in a sleeper compartment down to the French Alps, arriving in Moutiers at 8.00am.
I was quite surprised. I had fully expected the service to be swamped with 20-yr-old boarders, but when we visited the all-night disco/bar carriage it was mostly middle-aged skiers and young families.
Apart from the lack of organised resort transfers (meaning a €60+ taxi fare for the 15 min journey up to Meribel) it's a good service, so I'm sad to have received a letter from Rail Europe saying that due to the recession, they won't be running it this season.
(There are still alternatives, but you'll need to book early)